DARLINGTON - The Darlington Garden Club will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 16 at the Talmer Bank Community Room.
The club will decide when to plant the community flower beds. There are garden plots available along the Riverwalk for volunteers to plant and maintain. Those who are interested in adopting a plot can call 608-776-2298.
Amanda Winslow will have the program at the meeting and Roberta Delp is the hostess.
The meeting is open to the public.
The club will decide when to plant the community flower beds. There are garden plots available along the Riverwalk for volunteers to plant and maintain. Those who are interested in adopting a plot can call 608-776-2298.
Amanda Winslow will have the program at the meeting and Roberta Delp is the hostess.
The meeting is open to the public.