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FFA grant applications due April 28 and May 5
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MADISON - The Wisconsin FFA Foundation currently is accepting applications for three chapter grants. FFA chapters around the state have a variety of grant options to choose from, due to funding from foundation sponsors.

The foundation's 2017 Chapter Grant Program is available in two categories: Community Service and Food for America. Chapter grants encourage Wisconsin FFA chapters to develop individual and cooperative activities that will enhance their communities.

New this year, the Community Service grant is available due to donations to the Bethany L. Rieth Memorial Fund, which was established in the past state FFA officer's honor after her death in February 2016. She served as the Wisconsin FFA Sentinel from 2012-13 and graduated from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015 with a degree in nursing. These annual grants given in Rieth's name will be awarded to support chapters in completing service projects that make a difference in their communities, as she did.

The Food for America grant is funded once again by the Wisconsin FFA Foundation's long-time Two-Star Mission Partner, Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative Inc. Examples of Food for America grant projects have been or could be: hosting events done in cooperation with another organization to promote healthy foods or eating, or establishing a community garden.

To be eligible for a 2017 chapter grant, FFA chapters must be in good standing with the Wisconsin Association of FFA and submit a completed application to the Wisconsin FFA Foundation by May 5. Applications can be found on the Wisconsin FFA website,

The Wisconsin FFA Foundation and Syngenta also have partnered for a second year to provide resources for gardens to six Wisconsin FFA chapters in 2017. Two of these grant winners will be returning chapters from last year and four will be newly selected programs. Requirements for the GrowMore Communities grant are as follows:

• The selected FFA chapter agrees to grow a quarter to a half acre of actual garden crops.

• Fifty percent of the grown crop will be harvested and donated to a needy organization of the chapter's choice.

• The remaining 50 percent of the grown crop can be marketed locally by the members of the FFA chapter to support additional FFA activities, be used as a chapter community service project or managed as individual student supervised agricultural experience projects.

• The FFA chapter agrees to do social media posts about the program and complete at least two community outreach/educational programs throughout the growing season focusing on food production, gardening, sustainability or other positive agricultural production messages.

• The FFA chapters will submit a final report that will include project description, finalized budget, receiving organization's contribution receipts and how the remaining product was used and beneficial.

Applications for this opportunity are due April 28, and gardens must be planted by May 26. The application can be found on the Wisconsin FFA website.

Contact the Wisconsin FFA Foundation at 608-831-5058 with any questions.

The Wisconsin FFA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that unites individuals, organizations and companies who share a common interest in the advancement of agriculture and community leadership through FFA. One can support FFA members by supporting the programs that have been core tenets of the FFA: proficiency awards, career development events, state FFA degrees, sectional leadership workshops, scholarships, chapter awards, agri-science fair, state FFA convention and state officer support. Learn more about the Wisconsin FFA Foundation and sponsorship opportunities by visiting