MONROE — The Monroe Woman’s Club is continuing to serve this year through the Christmas Stocking Fund, with several volunteers taking on new leadership roles. The Christmas Stocking Fund is open to donations year-round and helps support initiatives like the toy drive, Cheer boxes, food boxes and winter clothing items for families and children in need.
In addition, Cheri Wesenberg — a member of the Cheer Box-Christmas Stocking committee — shared that some of the donations go to “seniors, the senior living facilities, people without families to celebrate with, shelters and those less fortunate than others.” Local schools often volunteer to make handmade Christmas cards, and organizations like Colony Brands also chip in to donate funds and volunteer time.
Terry Snow serves as the family coordinator on the Christmas Stocking Committee, working with volunteers to call families and confirm their participation in the project as recipients. Snow said they have called approximately 260 families this year, in addition to adding new families through community program referrals. Approximately 30 new families have been added to the program this year.
“I work with the Monroe High School for the printing of address labels and the coupons that will be sent to the parents for each child,” said Snow. “Stuffing and stamping the envelopes that will be sent to around 240 families in the next step. The mailings will be posted prior to Thanksgiving week — around 540 children are in the program.”
Cheri Wesenberg is part of the Cheer Box-Christmas Stocking committee, where volunteers pack the boxes with treats for each recipient before a team delivers the cheer boxes to predetermined locations.
“My role as part of the committee has been to call volunteers that have previously been involved as packers and delivery [volunteers] for the Cheer Boxes,” said Wesenberg. “I can’t really tell you how much time that I spent calling … everyone is very willing to help.” Once the calling stage is complete, she also gets involved with counting, organizing, packing and delivering the boxes.
The volunteer teams are made up of both Woman’s Club members and community members.
“Some of our teams are husband/wife teams and some are friends or soon to be friends,” said Wesenberg. “We love it when we can get some men involved to be our muscle.”
Wesenberg became involved with the committee three years ago as a food box packer and delivery person.
“I believe in the Christmas Stocking project,” said Wesenberg. “My favorite part of working with the team is the wonderful people I have worked with, the new friends that I have made and most especially the joy and thanks I get from the people I deliver to.”

Lauren Burkey serves as publicity coordinator and is a new member of the Woman’s Club.
“I know many women who are members of the club, all of whom I respect and admire for their roles in the community,” said Burkey. “I thought jumping into Christmas Stocking, and helping to grow awareness for the project by growing the publicity efforts, was a good fit for me.”
Burkey ensures that publicity for the project is in place, including aspects like advertisements and donation envelopes. She has also advocated for the use of electronic billboards and social media content to promote the effort.
“I enjoy working with the Christmas Stocking Committee because each member is so passionate about what this project does for the community,” said Burkey. “Some members have even benefited directly from the work of this committee in the past, and I think their participation sends a powerful message about spreading generosity, ‘paying it forward.’”
Marilyn Pfarr is the Christmas Stocking Chairman and Toy Coordinator, but she is not new to serving the community — Pfarr has been involved with the Toy Drive for at least 20 years. Having come from a large family, Pfarr said she feels “strongly that all children should have and enjoy Christmas.”
The Toy Drive relies on the community for children’s toy donations. The Woman’s Club is based around service, particularly during the holiday season — in addition to the toy drive, they also prepare and deliver food boxes, care packages to seniors and cheer boxes among other items.
“Monroe is a very generous community and the financial donations that are sent from the community to this program allow for each family to receive a food box and two $25 coupons for each of their children,” said Snow. “These coupons are to be spent in Monroe at participating stores. On behalf of the committee, I would like to thank those who have given a donation and invite others to consider making a donation.”
Community members interested in being a recipient of the program or participating as a volunteer/donor can contact the Monroe Woman’s Club Facebook page — called GFWC Monroe Woman’s Club — or via the club’s website,

“I enjoy working with the Christmas Stocking Committee because each member is so passionate about what this project does for the community.”
— Lauren Burkey, publicity coordinator

Look inside today’s edition of the Times for a pre-addressed envelope to donate to the Christmas Stocking Fund.
The Christmas Stocking Fund is an annual effort of the Monroe Woman’s Club.
To donate to the Christmas Stocking Fund, send contributions to 901 16th Ave., Monroe, WI 53566, or go online to and follow the donation link. All contributions are used locally to fund the program.