SOUTH WAYNE — Farmers in Lafayette County are eligible for $20 per acre for up to 50 acres for planting cover crops from the Lafayette Ag Stewardship Alliance cost-share program. The deadline to enroll is Nov. 15.
The program is designed to help encourage farmers to plant cover crops and to minimize the risk associated with trying something new on the farm. Cover crops have proven effective in reducing nutrient run-off and increasing soil health and crop yields.
Cover crops are grasses, brassicas, legumes, small grains or other crops grown between regular grain crop production periods for the purpose of protecting and improving the soil. In Southwest Wisconsin, significant tillable acres have sufficient slope, creating the potential for run-off if the soil is not adequately protected. Eroding soil particles can enter wetlands and streams and carry nutrients to rivers and lakes.
Research has shown that fields with winter and spring cover have 55 percent less water run-off and 50 percent less soil loss annually than fields with no cover.
Enrollment is simple. Go to, complete the 2018 cost-share program form and return it by mail or email. At this point in the year, cover crops are likely already established. All varieties and planting techniques are allowed. LASA will follow up to determine how many acres were planted, how they were established and what was planted.
Farmers must be a member of LASA to participate. Membership may be completed at the time of enrollment.
To learn more, go to