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Farm bureau sponsoring essay contest for elementary students
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ARGYLE - The Green County Farm Bureau, along with the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Ag in the Classroom program, is sponsoring an essay contest for any Green County student in fourth or fifth grade.

The theme is "Wisconsin gardens provide many food choices for us." Any student interested in participating in the contest should submit a handwritten in ink or a typed essay consisting of 100 to 300 words. Essays will be judged on content, grammar, spelling and neatness. Any essay submitted should also include the student's name, grade level, parent's name and phone number, teacher's name, school name and address, school phone number and county on the back of the essay. All essays need to be postmarked by Tuesday, April 1 and should be mailed to:

Green Country Farm Bureau Essay Coordinator, C/O Carmen Montgomery, 11786 State Road 78, Argyle, WI 53504.

For more information, contact Carmen Montgomery at