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Fair sets free lineup
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FREEPORT - The Stephenson County Fair recently announced its "Free On-Grounds Entertainment for the 2011 Fair" program, which will be held July 12 to 17 at the Stephenson County Fairgrounds, Freeport.

Upon arrival at the fairgrounds, there are many free events and activities to entertain both the young and old alike. The "Out of My Tree" chainsaw artist will offer many carving shows throughout the week of the fair, carving animals, birds and a variety of items that will be auctioned off at the end of the week.

Magic Mike will also be appearing all week, bring a combination of music, comedy and audience involvement. Wambold's Amazing Animals, which will provide daily shows, including a 30-minute show featuring horses, dogs, ponies, camels, llamas, tigers, lions and elephants. The Wambolds will also provide a walk-through camel and llama exhibit.

Equipped with a stage, 250 chairs, and a number of tables, the Rest and Entertainment Tent is a good spot to take a break and enjoy a multitude of free activities each day, beginning around noon and continuing until approximately 10 p.m.

The Farm Fun Zone, located across from the Chicken Shack, will offer unique activities, promotions, and door prizes.

For a complete listing of all the activities at this year's Stephenson County Fair, visit, or call (815) 235-2918.