DARLINGTON - John and Carol McDaniel will be talking about getting ready for the bluebirds' return at 7 p.m. Feb. 16 at the Bluebird Nest Nature Center, 308 Main St.
The couple, who have been bluebirding for over 30 years, will give advice on how to set up a trail for the beginner, as well as answer questions from experienced bluebirders and discuss the pros and cons of attracting bluebirds to within the city limits.
At 10 a.m. Feb. 21, the McDaniels and other members of the Lafayette County Bluebird Society will host a bluebird trail hike at Yellowstone Lake State Park for the experience of hiking an established trail. The group will meet at the park office. A park sticker is required. The program is partly funded by the Darlington Community Special Fund and the DUWI, components of the Community Fund of Southwest Wisconsin.
For more information, visit lafayettecountybluebirdsociety.wordpress.com or email lafayettecountybluebirdsociety@yahoo.com.
The couple, who have been bluebirding for over 30 years, will give advice on how to set up a trail for the beginner, as well as answer questions from experienced bluebirders and discuss the pros and cons of attracting bluebirds to within the city limits.
At 10 a.m. Feb. 21, the McDaniels and other members of the Lafayette County Bluebird Society will host a bluebird trail hike at Yellowstone Lake State Park for the experience of hiking an established trail. The group will meet at the park office. A park sticker is required. The program is partly funded by the Darlington Community Special Fund and the DUWI, components of the Community Fund of Southwest Wisconsin.
For more information, visit lafayettecountybluebirdsociety.wordpress.com or email lafayettecountybluebirdsociety@yahoo.com.