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Conservation department offering trees, shrubs for spring planting
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MONROE - The Green County Land and Water Conservation Department is offering 10 varieties of trees, and two varieties of shrubs, for landowners interested in planting trees next spring 2015.

The tree varieties are Bur Oak, Red Oak, White Oak, Tamarack, Sugar Maple, Sycamore, Butternut, Shagbark Hickory, White Pine, and Kentucky Coffee. Shrubs available are Hazel Nut and Nannyberry. The trees and shrubs that are bare root and are 1 to 2 feet tall are Tamarack, Shagbark Hickory and Kentucky Coffee. Butternut is 1.5 to 2 feet tall. Trees that are 2 to 3 feet tall are Bur and White Oak, Sugar Maple, Sycamore, White Pine, Hazelnut and Nannyberry. Red Oak is 3 to 4 feet tall.

The cost is only $2 a tree with a minimum order of 10 of one species and must be ordered in increments of 10 per species.

The trees and shrubs are all native to the area. The species offered this year cover a broad range of soil types and moistures, from dry to very wet. The featured species this year is the Tamarack, a deciduous conifer. Its needles turn a bright golden color before being shed.

Trees can be ordered by contacting the LWCD at 608-325-4195, in person at 1627 4th Ave. West, or at Orders will be taken until Feb. 13 and will be delivered near the end of April.