Friday, April 8
Zilmer-Riley American Legion Unit No. 84, Friday night fish fry with stuffed pork chops, serving 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., 1627 12th Ave., Monroe.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Zwingli UCC, 416 E. Lake Ave., Monticello.
Preschool Story Time, 10:15 a.m., New Glarus Public Library, 319 2nd St.
"Snow White," 7 p.m., Albany Elementary School gym, Albany. Albany Middle School students partnering with Prairie Fire Children's Theatre to present an original musical. Free and open to the public.
Saturday, April 9
Stephenson County Fiber Art Fair, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Jane Addams Community Center, 430 W. Washington St., Cedarville, Ill.; workshops, demonstrations, vendors. Admission $2; 12 and under free.
Rock, Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monroe High School, 1600 26th St., Monroe. Speakers, displays, demonstrations, sales table, door prizes, films, kids' activities and food. Free-will donation; free parking. Info: or contact Deb Wehinger at
Alcoholics Anonymous, 9 a.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 2810 6th St., Monroe.
Euchre tournament, 1 p.m., Monroe Moose Lodge, 639 3rd Ave., Monroe. Open to the public, $5 entry fee.
Christian Singles Fellowship, 6 to 8 p.m., Monroe Church of Christ, 103 20th Ave., Monroe (one block south of Alphorn Ford). Adult Christian singles of any age welcome. Non-denominational. Game night: Bring a dish to pass and your favorite board game. Info: Pastor Tim Mellenberger at 608-558-8186.
Little Makers, 10 a.m., Monroe Public Library, toddlers through age 6, with a caregiver.
Alcoholics Anonymous/Alanon, 6:30 p.m., Blanchardville Lutheran Church, 305 Madison St., Blanchardville. Open discussion. Entrance is located on west side.
Sunday, April 10
Rock, Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monroe High School, 1600 26th St., Monroe. Speakers, displays, demonstrations, sales table, door prizes, films, kids' activities and food. Free-will donation; free parking. Info: or contact Deb Wehinger at
Pancake Breakfast, 7:30 a.m. to noon, Argyle Firehouse. Menu: Pancakes, sausage, eggs, coffee, milk and juice. Handicapped-accessible parking. In-town delivery. Proceeds will be used for rescue equipment.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 6 p.m., St. John's UCC, 1724 14th St., Monroe.
Green County Democrats and Progressives monthly meeting, 5 p.m., Leisure Lanes, 2308 6th Ave., Monroe. Social time and dining at 5 p.m.; meeting at 6 p.m. Topic: Upcoming plans.
Buffet Breakfast, 8 a.m. to noon, Monroe American Legion, 1627 12th Ave., Monroe.
Monday, April 11
Alcoholics Anonymous, 6 p.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 2810 6th St., Monroe.
Play + Learn, 9:15 a.m., Monroe Public Library, for children birth to 6 years, with a caregiver.
4TEENS Craft Day, 2:30 p.m., Monroe Public Library, grades 6-12.
Monroe Public Library 20th Anniversary Celebration, activities for all ages, drop in all week.
Teen Event: Candy Olympics, 1 p.m., New Glarus Middle School IMC, 1701 2nd St.
Nature and Gardening Program, 7 p.m., Bluebird Nest Nature Center, 308 Main St., Darlington. Speaker: Dan Stoudt. Refreshments; free and open to the public.
Wiota Fireman's Auxiliary meeting, 6:30 p.m., Wiota Town Hall. Topics: Finalize plans for annual card party to be held May 1, discuss planting flowers at Wiota Park. Members are asked to bring finger food to share after the meeting.
Relay for Life Fundraiser, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Papa Murphy's, Monroe; sponsored by St. John's United Church of Christ. Percentage of sales goes to Relay for Life. Must mention that it is for St. John's UCC/Relay for Life at time of purchase.
"Senior Scams," noon to 1 p.m., meal-site, Darlington Municipal Building. Speaker: Tony Ruesga, Darlington police officer. Part of Lafayette County's "Money Smart Month."
Lunch Bunch, noon to 1 p.m., county board room, Lafayette County Courthouse. Speaker: Chris Donar from the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department, topic: Cyberbullying. Bring lunch. Open to public.
"Our Courts: Myths and Realities," 6 p.m., Hazel Green Library. The Wisconsin State Bar will present a humorous but factual look at the differences between real court situations and how the media portrays them, from Judge Judy to John Grisham. Part of Lafayette County's "Money Smart Month."
"Dollars and Sense," 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Johnson Public Library, Darlington. Stop in anytime to spend "money" at the library store and read stories about kids who make money. Part of Lafayette County's "Money Smart Month."
Zilmer-Riley American Legion Unit No. 84, Friday night fish fry with stuffed pork chops, serving 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., 1627 12th Ave., Monroe.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Zwingli UCC, 416 E. Lake Ave., Monticello.
Preschool Story Time, 10:15 a.m., New Glarus Public Library, 319 2nd St.
"Snow White," 7 p.m., Albany Elementary School gym, Albany. Albany Middle School students partnering with Prairie Fire Children's Theatre to present an original musical. Free and open to the public.
Saturday, April 9
Stephenson County Fiber Art Fair, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Jane Addams Community Center, 430 W. Washington St., Cedarville, Ill.; workshops, demonstrations, vendors. Admission $2; 12 and under free.
Rock, Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monroe High School, 1600 26th St., Monroe. Speakers, displays, demonstrations, sales table, door prizes, films, kids' activities and food. Free-will donation; free parking. Info: or contact Deb Wehinger at
Alcoholics Anonymous, 9 a.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 2810 6th St., Monroe.
Euchre tournament, 1 p.m., Monroe Moose Lodge, 639 3rd Ave., Monroe. Open to the public, $5 entry fee.
Christian Singles Fellowship, 6 to 8 p.m., Monroe Church of Christ, 103 20th Ave., Monroe (one block south of Alphorn Ford). Adult Christian singles of any age welcome. Non-denominational. Game night: Bring a dish to pass and your favorite board game. Info: Pastor Tim Mellenberger at 608-558-8186.
Little Makers, 10 a.m., Monroe Public Library, toddlers through age 6, with a caregiver.
Alcoholics Anonymous/Alanon, 6:30 p.m., Blanchardville Lutheran Church, 305 Madison St., Blanchardville. Open discussion. Entrance is located on west side.
Sunday, April 10
Rock, Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monroe High School, 1600 26th St., Monroe. Speakers, displays, demonstrations, sales table, door prizes, films, kids' activities and food. Free-will donation; free parking. Info: or contact Deb Wehinger at
Pancake Breakfast, 7:30 a.m. to noon, Argyle Firehouse. Menu: Pancakes, sausage, eggs, coffee, milk and juice. Handicapped-accessible parking. In-town delivery. Proceeds will be used for rescue equipment.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 6 p.m., St. John's UCC, 1724 14th St., Monroe.
Green County Democrats and Progressives monthly meeting, 5 p.m., Leisure Lanes, 2308 6th Ave., Monroe. Social time and dining at 5 p.m.; meeting at 6 p.m. Topic: Upcoming plans.
Buffet Breakfast, 8 a.m. to noon, Monroe American Legion, 1627 12th Ave., Monroe.
Monday, April 11
Alcoholics Anonymous, 6 p.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 2810 6th St., Monroe.
Play + Learn, 9:15 a.m., Monroe Public Library, for children birth to 6 years, with a caregiver.
4TEENS Craft Day, 2:30 p.m., Monroe Public Library, grades 6-12.
Monroe Public Library 20th Anniversary Celebration, activities for all ages, drop in all week.
Teen Event: Candy Olympics, 1 p.m., New Glarus Middle School IMC, 1701 2nd St.
Nature and Gardening Program, 7 p.m., Bluebird Nest Nature Center, 308 Main St., Darlington. Speaker: Dan Stoudt. Refreshments; free and open to the public.
Wiota Fireman's Auxiliary meeting, 6:30 p.m., Wiota Town Hall. Topics: Finalize plans for annual card party to be held May 1, discuss planting flowers at Wiota Park. Members are asked to bring finger food to share after the meeting.
Relay for Life Fundraiser, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Papa Murphy's, Monroe; sponsored by St. John's United Church of Christ. Percentage of sales goes to Relay for Life. Must mention that it is for St. John's UCC/Relay for Life at time of purchase.
"Senior Scams," noon to 1 p.m., meal-site, Darlington Municipal Building. Speaker: Tony Ruesga, Darlington police officer. Part of Lafayette County's "Money Smart Month."
Lunch Bunch, noon to 1 p.m., county board room, Lafayette County Courthouse. Speaker: Chris Donar from the Lafayette County Sheriff's Department, topic: Cyberbullying. Bring lunch. Open to public.
"Our Courts: Myths and Realities," 6 p.m., Hazel Green Library. The Wisconsin State Bar will present a humorous but factual look at the differences between real court situations and how the media portrays them, from Judge Judy to John Grisham. Part of Lafayette County's "Money Smart Month."
"Dollars and Sense," 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Johnson Public Library, Darlington. Stop in anytime to spend "money" at the library store and read stories about kids who make money. Part of Lafayette County's "Money Smart Month."