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Chocolate milk a healthy choice after physical activity
Hi, I'm Clare Gieztel and I'm the Green County Dairy Princess.

Of all the beverages on the market today, only a select few are considered "good for you." Of those few, there are even less that would be recommended for you to drink on a regular basis and beyond moderately. We all know how important it is to keep our bodies happy and healthy. However, access to healthy beverages and general knowledge about the health impacts of consuming such beverages is often a barrier to choosing the healthier alternative. The purpose of this educational piece is to provide you with information about choosing chocolate milk as a healthier alternative to other sports drinks after physical activity.

The health benefits of chocolate milk are unreal. Who would have thought that low-fat chocolate milk contains eight essential nutrients? Calcium, protein, vitamins A, D, and B12, riboflavin, phosphorus and potassium are all essential to building and repairing muscle, strengthening bones, and keeping you full and satisfied. That's why after every workout you should treat yourself to a tall glass of chocolate milk.

Many sports drinks and sodas can contain up to 7 teaspoons of sugar per 8-ounce serving. Milk contains only 3.5 teaspoons per serving. However, a majority of the sugar comes from the lactose that is found naturally in the milk. Your dentist will thank you too. If you switch from sports drinks to chocolate milk, you are decreasing your sugar intake by half and sugar on your teeth can lead to tooth decay. While sugar is still good in moderation, I would choose the option with half as much sugar. Choose chocolate milk.

Chocolate milk also has the perfect ratio of proteins to carbohydrates. Carbohydrates and proteins are both vital for good health. Most sports drinks do not contain protein, meaning those carbohydrates are not properly being used by your body. Proteins and carbohydrates work hand in hand; if you have more carbohydrates than proteins your body will compensate by taking proteins from your muscles. Chocolate milk helps your body repair itself efficiently and effectively.

One study at the University of Texas compared low-fat chocolate milk with other carbohydrate sports drinks. They found that the cyclists who drank chocolate milk after riding showed greater improvement in power output than those given the other sports beverage. They chocolate milk drinker also increased their lean muscle mass and reduced their body fat percentage.

Low-fat chocolate milk is full of necessary vitamins and minerals needed by our bodies. It's also more fun than drinking water. You need to take care of your body, and the addition of chocolate milk to your diet could be just what you need to stay healthy. If that isn't proof enough for you, the delicious, creamy taste of chocolate milk will sell you the instant it touches your lips. So, next time you finish a hard workout think about grabbing yourself a glass of low-fat chocolate milk.