MONROE — The Rural Wisconsin Entrepreneurship Initiative will deliver a business law basics legal clinic for entrepreneurs in Green County from 5:30-8 p.m. on April 11 at The Bank of New Glarus in Monroe.
The clinic will be led by Attorney Jeff Glazer from the University of Wisconsin Law School Law and Entrepreneurship Clinic and will cover questions put forward by local entrepreneurs, as well as business law basics that any entrepreneur should consider when starting a business.
Attorney Glazer will also provide one-on-one consultations with entrepreneurs to address legal questions specific to their businesses.
The clinic will be bilingual in English and Spanish.
This clinic is made possible by the Rural Wisconsin Entrepreneurship Initiative (RWEI), a program funded by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation within the University of Wisconsin Division of Extension. RWEI makes business support resources like this clinic available to rural communities throughout the state of Wisconsin through 2026.
This clinic in Green County is possible due to partnerships between UW-Madison Division of Extension, Fuerza Hispana De Monroe (Emprendedores), The Bank of New Glarus, Green County Development Corporation, Dando una Mano Together We Rise, and the UW Law School Law and Entrepreneurship Clinic.
This event is being delivered in tandem with another Extension entrepreneurship support program in Green County, the Wisconsin Rural Entrepreneurial Venture (REV), which is leading the county through a long-term economic development planning process to support and grow businesses led by local Latino entrepreneurs.
For further information, or to learn more about the Business Legal Clinic in Green County, contact Victoria Solomon at the Green County Extension Office at (608) 328-9440 or victoria