BRODHEAD - The men of Living Word Church, 3825 S. County T, Brodhead, are hosting the fourth annual lumberjack pancake breakfast on Saturday, Feb. 21 at the church. Serving is from 7 a.m. to noon. The meal includes a single serving of meat and all you can eat pancakes, scrambled eggs, juice, milk and coffee. Extra meat can be purchased for 50 cents a serving.
Proceeds from the breakfast go to support Greenco Industries Foundation Inc., a not-for-profit organization providing day services and work services for 110 adults and teenagers with disabilities and residential services for 20 disabled adults in both Green and Lafayette Counties.
Save 50 cents by purchasing tickets in advance. Tickets are $5 per person, $3 for seniors and children 4 to 12; and children under age 4 eat free. Tickets are available from the church office. For more information, call (608) 897-8246.
Proceeds from the breakfast go to support Greenco Industries Foundation Inc., a not-for-profit organization providing day services and work services for 110 adults and teenagers with disabilities and residential services for 20 disabled adults in both Green and Lafayette Counties.
Save 50 cents by purchasing tickets in advance. Tickets are $5 per person, $3 for seniors and children 4 to 12; and children under age 4 eat free. Tickets are available from the church office. For more information, call (608) 897-8246.