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Aug. 3 GCGS meeting to have MTG presentation of historic Monroe women
Community Brief

MONROE — The Green County Genealogical Society (GCGS) will hold its regular monthly meeting at 10 a.m. on Aug. 3 in the Monroe Public Library meeting room on the second floor.

“Behind The Obvious” a staged reading of Monroe women who built the community. The Monroe Theatre Guild (MTG) Heritage Players will present three historic women figures spanning Monroe history from 1806-1956. The fourth woman is a surprise guest narrator.

The MTG Heritage Players are a mobile group of actors dedicated to preserving Monroe’s past historical figures through re-enactments. Stephen Eliasson is the founder of this group and also the MTG Cabaret Players.

Stephen has written many tributes including “Within These Walls”, a tribute to famous speakers in Turner Hall’s history and “The Forever Bridge” for Turner Hall’s 150th anniversary.

For any questions about the meeting or presentation, call Donna at 608-921-1537. 

The GCGS Research Center is located in the lower level of the Monroe Public Library open to the public for research Tuesdays 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Other times are available by appointment by calling 608-328-7436. The GCGS website is