DARLINGTON - Leah Sinclair, a Darlington Girl Scout, has been named to the Badgerland Council's 2015-16 Youth Leadership Council.
Sinclair is a member of Troop 5235.
Fifteen Girl Scouts were selected to sit on the YLC to represent Girl Scouts from around Badgerland Council. Members of the YLC meet bi-monthly with the Badgerland CEO and professional staff to discuss topics impacting Girl Scouts. The 15 members were selected to the YLC through a council-wide application process open to all Girl Scouts in grades 9-12.
Sinclair is a member of Troop 5235.
Fifteen Girl Scouts were selected to sit on the YLC to represent Girl Scouts from around Badgerland Council. Members of the YLC meet bi-monthly with the Badgerland CEO and professional staff to discuss topics impacting Girl Scouts. The 15 members were selected to the YLC through a council-wide application process open to all Girl Scouts in grades 9-12.