Harold and Elaine Ruchti, Monroe, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with a family dinner Dec. 22 at the Heritage House Restaurant in Monroe.
Ruchti and Elaine Schwend were married Feb. 18, 1949 at the Immanuel United Brethren Church in Monroe.
They have five children: Robert (Deborah), Carol (Steve Naab), Richard (deceased), Randy (friend Connie), and James (Penny). They also have a special daughter-in-law, Eleanor Ruchti (Chad Carter), eight grandchildren, a step-granddaughter and two step-great-grandsons.
Ruchti and Elaine Schwend were married Feb. 18, 1949 at the Immanuel United Brethren Church in Monroe.
They have five children: Robert (Deborah), Carol (Steve Naab), Richard (deceased), Randy (friend Connie), and James (Penny). They also have a special daughter-in-law, Eleanor Ruchti (Chad Carter), eight grandchildren, a step-granddaughter and two step-great-grandsons.