LANCASTER - The Southwestern Wisconsin Angus Association will host their 27th annual Memorial Day Classic on Sunday, May 24, at the Grant County Fairgrounds, Lancaster. The show hosts exhibitors from several states including, but not limited to, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota.
Exhibitors may enter classes for Angus bulls, heifers, cow/calf pairs, commercial heifers (mostly black), Angus steers, crossbred steers (mostly black) and showmanship. There will be several showmanship divisions for the juniors. Awards are given to all class champions and premiums based on number of entries. Pre-entry deadline is May 15. Entry fees are $20 per head by May 15 and $30 per head after May 15. Barns open at 8 a.m. on Saturday.
An exhibitor hospitality will begin at approximately 5:30 p.m. on Saturday evening. All exhibitors are encouraged to arrive on Saturday if possible. If you can not arrive on Saturday, note that information on the registration form. Sunday arrivals must be in and registered no later than 8 a.m.
The show will begin at 9 a.m. on Sunday, May 24, starting with the bulls followed by the females, cow/calf pairs, commercial heifers, Angus steers, crossbred steers and finishing with showmanship.
Sponsorships and memberships are welcome. Division sponsorships are $50, class sponsorships are $25 and membership is $2 per year. Sponsors of the 27th SW Angus Memorial Day Classic to date include: 2K Cattle Enterprises, Hilleman Angus, R Valley Angus, KCJ Angus, Lone Willow Angus, Jerrett Angus, and Sunnyside Angus. For more information on becoming a sponsor or entering the show, contact Keri Retallick, secretary /treasurer, 8281 East Glen Road, Glen Haven, WI 53810 or phone (608) 778-7250.
Exhibitors may enter classes for Angus bulls, heifers, cow/calf pairs, commercial heifers (mostly black), Angus steers, crossbred steers (mostly black) and showmanship. There will be several showmanship divisions for the juniors. Awards are given to all class champions and premiums based on number of entries. Pre-entry deadline is May 15. Entry fees are $20 per head by May 15 and $30 per head after May 15. Barns open at 8 a.m. on Saturday.
An exhibitor hospitality will begin at approximately 5:30 p.m. on Saturday evening. All exhibitors are encouraged to arrive on Saturday if possible. If you can not arrive on Saturday, note that information on the registration form. Sunday arrivals must be in and registered no later than 8 a.m.
The show will begin at 9 a.m. on Sunday, May 24, starting with the bulls followed by the females, cow/calf pairs, commercial heifers, Angus steers, crossbred steers and finishing with showmanship.
Sponsorships and memberships are welcome. Division sponsorships are $50, class sponsorships are $25 and membership is $2 per year. Sponsors of the 27th SW Angus Memorial Day Classic to date include: 2K Cattle Enterprises, Hilleman Angus, R Valley Angus, KCJ Angus, Lone Willow Angus, Jerrett Angus, and Sunnyside Angus. For more information on becoming a sponsor or entering the show, contact Keri Retallick, secretary /treasurer, 8281 East Glen Road, Glen Haven, WI 53810 or phone (608) 778-7250.