At Platteville, 14 Albany students were selected to represent the school: seniors Emily Hauri, Allie Lent and Marley Malkow; juniors Dominick Vine, Logan Ross, Jacob Elmer and Kelsey Hoesly; sophomores Brittany Janes, Hunter Overland and Kassi Huffman; freshmen Piper Bailey, Evan Blumer and Sydney Bloedel; and eight-grader Nathaniel Ross.
Albany scored 535 combined points, only 30 points off from second place and 10 points off from third. Nathaniel Ross, Bailey and Hauri earned individual awards for outstanding scores.
In advance of the Six Rivers Math Meet, the team had an open sign-up for the team which resulted in 38 different students joining the team. Albany had two full squads competing, with a third partial team.
The squads completed nearly 800 math problems on topics from trigonometry to numerical sequences to logarithms.
At the Six Rivers meet, students are awarded a silver medal for being in the top 16 scorers and a gold medal for being in the top eight scorers. Silver medalists included Blumer, Bloedel, Janes, Overland, Stauffacher, Ross, Lauren Blumer, Sydnee Woyak and Tyler Dahl. Gold medalists included Nathaniel Ross, Bailey, Lent, Elmer and Hauri.
Jim Schwab is the math team coach.