GREEN COUNTY — Green County Aging and Disability Resource Center formed the Elder Abuse Prevention I-Team that’s working to raise awareness and educate the community on elder abuse.
The Green County EAP is made up of passionate community members, local banks, law enforcement, agency providers, medical providers and more. They discuss interventions, ways to create awareness where needed, and continue to educate their group about the changes and cases taking place in and around Green County. In 2019, Green County received 177 reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation and self-neglect of Green County seniors.
Every year, the Green County EAP I-Team sponsors a coloring contest for fifth, sixth and seventh graders to bring awareness to the younger people on what elder abuse is and what to do if they witness some sort of elder abuse. In addition, students from Monroe High School’s art classes create a design for annual ‘World Elder Abuse Awareness Day’ t-shirts. Winners are presented with award baskets or gift cards donated by local businesses and organizations. However, due to COVID-19, the team readjusted this year’s awareness plan with the coloring contest. With social media postings and internal messaging throughout the I-Team and county, many coloring page submissions for the contest were received.
To show support in the fight against elder abuse, supporters can wear purple June 15. To help the community and look out for the elderly, and to find more information or to report a concern, call the Aging and Disability Resource Center at 1-800-514-0066 or