UW-Green Bay
GREEN BAY - The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay announced the names of students receiving academic honors for the fall semester.
Students who earn a 4.0 GPA, which represents all A grades, receive highest honors. High honors go to those earning 3.99 to 3.75 GPA. Honors are given to students earning 3.74 to 3.50 GPA.
Area students included: Gina Paulson, Brodhead, honors; Taa Egli, Monroe, high honors; Gregory Lynch, Monroe, honors; and Alycia Atwell, New Glarus, high honors.
UW-Stevens Point
STEVENS POINT - The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point announced the names of students who earned academic honors during the fall semester of the 2012-13 academic year.
Full-time undergraduates who earned grade points of 3.90 to 4.0 are given the highest honors designation. High honor citations go to those with GPA from 3.75 to 3.89 and honor recognition is accorded to those with GPA from 3.50 to 3.74.
Area students who received honors include:
Albany: Sydney N. Bump, highest honors, and Thomas J. Kremer, honors.
Brodhead: Kelli M. Sutherland, highest honors, and Micah J. Wallace, honors.
Darlington: Aaron J. Stauffacher, honors.
Monroe: Chelsea R. Neuenschwander, high honors; Alexander S. Purdy, highest honors; Sarah E. Tomasiewicz, high honors; Christina L. Wyttenbach, high honors; and Claire M. Wyttenbach, high honors.
Monticello: Megan L. Ball, honors, and Jacob J. Marty, highest honors.
GREEN BAY - The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay announced the names of students receiving academic honors for the fall semester.
Students who earn a 4.0 GPA, which represents all A grades, receive highest honors. High honors go to those earning 3.99 to 3.75 GPA. Honors are given to students earning 3.74 to 3.50 GPA.
Area students included: Gina Paulson, Brodhead, honors; Taa Egli, Monroe, high honors; Gregory Lynch, Monroe, honors; and Alycia Atwell, New Glarus, high honors.
UW-Stevens Point
STEVENS POINT - The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point announced the names of students who earned academic honors during the fall semester of the 2012-13 academic year.
Full-time undergraduates who earned grade points of 3.90 to 4.0 are given the highest honors designation. High honor citations go to those with GPA from 3.75 to 3.89 and honor recognition is accorded to those with GPA from 3.50 to 3.74.
Area students who received honors include:
Albany: Sydney N. Bump, highest honors, and Thomas J. Kremer, honors.
Brodhead: Kelli M. Sutherland, highest honors, and Micah J. Wallace, honors.
Darlington: Aaron J. Stauffacher, honors.
Monroe: Chelsea R. Neuenschwander, high honors; Alexander S. Purdy, highest honors; Sarah E. Tomasiewicz, high honors; Christina L. Wyttenbach, high honors; and Claire M. Wyttenbach, high honors.
Monticello: Megan L. Ball, honors, and Jacob J. Marty, highest honors.