From Modesta Winkler
South Wayne
The 14 dems will only be heroes if the biased media make them out to be, which no doubt most will. In Feb. '09, Doyle pushed his budget bill through within 24 hour of being introduced (without public hearing). The bill raised our taxes $1 billion. The Republicans did not want the bill passed and did not appreciate the way in which the Democrats were ramming it through.
But did the Republicans disrespect our Constitution, disregard their duties, and disrupt democracy by fleeing their responsibility? No. They stood their ground, voiced their opposition through debate and discussion, and cast their vote. That's representation. That's democracy. That's America and that's what heroes do! They stand and vote (even if they disagree, not run and hide.
Those who support these AWOL Democrats don't understand the democratic process or the constitution. Read the Wisconsin constitution. The constitution says that the legislature is supposed to meet (for legislating) at the set times. These 14 Democrats are not obeying the constitution they vowed to uphold. It is very dangerous ground to start calling the lawless democrats "heroes." This is the slope toward anarchy. This is the hill upon which democracy dies.
When the masses of people longer know-nor care what their governing laws are, (the very laws that made our state/country great all these years) this is frightening and very very bad for the health of our state and the country. No matter what mainstream news or other folk believe, we the people will stand for law and order.
South Wayne
The 14 dems will only be heroes if the biased media make them out to be, which no doubt most will. In Feb. '09, Doyle pushed his budget bill through within 24 hour of being introduced (without public hearing). The bill raised our taxes $1 billion. The Republicans did not want the bill passed and did not appreciate the way in which the Democrats were ramming it through.
But did the Republicans disrespect our Constitution, disregard their duties, and disrupt democracy by fleeing their responsibility? No. They stood their ground, voiced their opposition through debate and discussion, and cast their vote. That's representation. That's democracy. That's America and that's what heroes do! They stand and vote (even if they disagree, not run and hide.
Those who support these AWOL Democrats don't understand the democratic process or the constitution. Read the Wisconsin constitution. The constitution says that the legislature is supposed to meet (for legislating) at the set times. These 14 Democrats are not obeying the constitution they vowed to uphold. It is very dangerous ground to start calling the lawless democrats "heroes." This is the slope toward anarchy. This is the hill upon which democracy dies.
When the masses of people longer know-nor care what their governing laws are, (the very laws that made our state/country great all these years) this is frightening and very very bad for the health of our state and the country. No matter what mainstream news or other folk believe, we the people will stand for law and order.