When I first got my laptop computer and tried to hook it up to an LCD projector so I could project the image on the screen, I couldn’t get it to work. I finally found out that I didn’t have it connected.
Tomorrow is the beginning of Advent. The Advent season is about connections.
“But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son”—now that’s a significant connection! God extended his loving touch that we might be connected with Christ. It’s also important that we make Christlike connections with those in our world.
I enjoy the Christmas season. I enjoy the trimmings of Christmas, but we need to stay connected to the reason for the season and that is Jesus. First, like the Innkeeper we need to reach out to our neighbors to help them. We may not know the struggles that our neighbors are going through but we can reach out to them to let them know we care and are concerned. A card, a small gift, baked goods tell your neighbors you care.
Second, we need to reach out to the overlooked with the Shepherds as the example. The waitress at the local diner, the woman at the town dump, the mail carrier; a few of those who get overlooked. People like to be remembered.
Third, we need to reach out to our family with Joseph as our example. The best part of Christmas is being together with members of your family. Do you know what the worst part is? You guessed it. Being together with members of your family. It would be funny, if it weren’t true. Right? We need to love our family even if they are not always lovable.
At the beginning of this Advent season, how are you doing spiritually? Are you connected to God? Are your connections with others Christlike? Is your family crying out for your attention? Are you in need of a special “Christmas touch” from God? Is all well?
Yes, at just the right time, our God touched the world with a special love and made it possible for us to connect with God and with others in a fresh, new way. I know you’re busy — maybe with demands I can’t even imagine — but please, take some time to think about Jesus during this Advent season. Thank Jesus for connecting with you and for the high privilege of helping others experience that same Christmas touch. Jesus is there for you. Jesus is enough. All is well.
I pass along Arthur Gordon’s prayer to you and for you: Lord of all things, help me to pass on small fragments of Your wisdom, truth, and love. Teach me to touch the unseen, lonely heart with laughter, or the quick release of tears. Let me portray the mystery, the wonder of it all. Open my ears, my eyes; unlock my heart. Speak through me, Lord. Amen.
Happy Advent and Merry Christmas!
— Reflections appears regularly on the religion page. The column features a variety of local writers, coordinated through the Monroe Area Clergy Group. David Busker is the retired pastor of Monroe United Methodist Church.