Conspiracy theories and false claims are awash in the media these days. To be sure, there have always been falsehoods pervading every society. But, today, with the advent of the internet and social media, the problem is exacerbated.
The prophet, Jeremiah, decried the fact that “false prophets” were deceiving the people over 2500 years ago. Jesus also warned of “false prophets which come in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15. So, the question for us is, how does one tell the truth from a lie?
It’s tempting to search the internet for answers and many of us resort to that option. But that is often the source of the problem in the first place. What I have found most helpful is to turn off all media for a period of time, including the phone, and find a quiet place to just sit still and calm the mind. It is in stillness, that truth is revealed and heard and every person has the capacity to discern whether something is true or false. As the Psalmist noted, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Another way of saying that might be, be still, and know the truth.
There are many accounts in the Bible telling of Jesus withdrawing to a quiet place in order to listen and pray for direction when he was bombarded with difficult situations. It was in that quiet atmosphere where he felt closest to his Father and could discern what was true and how to act. In fact he instructed us when we pray, to “go into (our) inner room.” That inner room is our heart. It is where God is present — the ground of our being. One well-known story depicts Jesus being tempted to abandon his mission of healing and teaching and to use his extraordinary gifts to pursue wealth and power. He not only knew that that idea did not originate from God, but he had the courage to reject it.
I’m certain that each of us can point to an occasion where we knew the right thing to do, but failed to act accordingly. Those decisions often plague us for years. Similarly, most people can sense when they are being confronted by a lie. How one responds to that feeling is the question. Many times the proper choice is very difficult and the temptation to do the wrong thing tempts us where we are the weakest. Paul spoke of this dilemma when he wrote, “the good that I would, I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.” Romans 7:19.
If we want to follow Jesus’ example, we must strive to act as he would. Every day we each have opportunities to reject false ideas and claims and make choices that nurture our spiritual growth. We will not always succeed, but when we don’t there will always be another opportunity. We can only hope to make improvements with each challenge.
— Reflections appears regularly on the religion page. The column features a variety of local writers, coordinated through the Monroe Area Clergy Group. Charles Wellington is a lifelong student of the teachings of Christ Jesus and regularly meditates with the Great Plains Zen Center in Monroe.