We are deep into the season of Lent. These weeks mark the journey that Jesus takes to Jerusalem after his transfiguration. In his ministry, this time continued to be marked with teaching, preaching and healing. This came with a sense of urgency and intensity for Jesus, as he imparted the vision of the kingdom of God to the disciples before Golgotha.
In the eighth chapter of Mark, Jesus states, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Those first hearers could not have fathomed what would happen to Jesus in Jerusalem. They could not have foreseen death on a cross. We are the latest hearers of that invitation and challenge. It is not always easy for us to understand and accomplish. We know the end of the story — resurrection. But crosses can be heavy and life changing.
We do not attempt this by ourselves. The very nature and desire is to follow the one who is before us. This points to the relationship between the one who leads and we who follow. The Prayer of St. Brendan (5th century) may help point us in a good direction.
— Reflections appears regularly on the religion page. The column features a variety of local writers, coordinated through the Monroe Area Clergy Group. John Tabaka is pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Monroe.