Pleasant View Nursing Home is one of Green County's important assets. At this time, it needs our additional financial support.
The home's outstanding reputation as a nursing home care facility was demonstrated to me firsthand when my critically ill 92-year-old mother became a resident there from the beginning of March until the time of her death on April 23 of this year. While there, she was consistently provided with positive, excellent, personal, loving professional care beyond the call of duty by every staff member in every department. They included me in their professional concerns and decisions. The emotional and physical environment of the facility reflected the warm comforting feeling of "home" to my mother, to me and to my family. I can think of no area of nursing home care where they would be ranked less than among the best.
Unfortunately, for years, Pleasant View has been struggling with its increasingly large deficit financial situation. They are constantly searching for creative ways to save money, however the deficit continues to grow. For that reason, the Green County Board of Supervisors has passed a resolution for an Oct. 6 referendum asking voters to approve a limited increased property tax over the next five years to help Pleasant View move toward balancing its budget.
Vote "yes" for the passing of this important referendum. Pleasant View Nursing Home needs our help so they can remain in a position of continuing superior quality nursing home care to our loved ones and to us into the future.
The home's outstanding reputation as a nursing home care facility was demonstrated to me firsthand when my critically ill 92-year-old mother became a resident there from the beginning of March until the time of her death on April 23 of this year. While there, she was consistently provided with positive, excellent, personal, loving professional care beyond the call of duty by every staff member in every department. They included me in their professional concerns and decisions. The emotional and physical environment of the facility reflected the warm comforting feeling of "home" to my mother, to me and to my family. I can think of no area of nursing home care where they would be ranked less than among the best.
Unfortunately, for years, Pleasant View has been struggling with its increasingly large deficit financial situation. They are constantly searching for creative ways to save money, however the deficit continues to grow. For that reason, the Green County Board of Supervisors has passed a resolution for an Oct. 6 referendum asking voters to approve a limited increased property tax over the next five years to help Pleasant View move toward balancing its budget.
Vote "yes" for the passing of this important referendum. Pleasant View Nursing Home needs our help so they can remain in a position of continuing superior quality nursing home care to our loved ones and to us into the future.