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Monroe Main Street Report: January 2008
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This month has been filled with typical January activities. It's been clearance time on the Square as merchants entice buyers to assist them in reducing winter merchandise so that spring items can take their place. My "January Clearance" has included completing 2007 State Main Street reports and making work plans for 2008, the latter being far more exciting than the former.

Work plans probably don't top the list of fun things for most people, but with Downtown and Beyond, the long-range plan produced for Main Street by Arnett Muldrow completed, this task tops my list.

When the Main Street Initiative was in the making, public visioning sessions were held to determine the future focus for our downtown. More than 50 individuals came together to share ideas over two sessions. The statement begins with a powerful concept:

"The Monroe Square of the future will reflect a vital and energetic quality of life that provides a place of energy and vitality for residents and visitors alike. The Square will be the city's heart, anchored by its historical centerpiece, the Green County Courthouse, and flanked by businesses and residences, cafes, shops and offices. It will serve as a four-seasons destination for its residents, visitors and business people."

It is important in any worthwhile endeavor to begin with the end in mind, but the true challenge is taking the steps to reach that end. Those steps can be difficult to determine at times. The volunteers of Monroe Main Street have created more excitement downtown with new and expanded events. They have created a new tool for property owners in providing a matching grant program for façade improvement.

Small steps perhaps, but a start of the journey nevertheless. The $50,000 grant from Swiss Colony allowed Main Street to secure a solid plan for moving forward to meet the vision adopted in 2005 and more. The Board of Directors and each committee are in the process of digesting this plan and its implementation steps to reach the vision. Stay tuned for an exciting year for downtown.

You can find the entire Vision Statement on the Main Street Web site, which is at or click on the Main Street logo at

- Barb Nelson is director of Monroe Main Street. She writes a monthly update on the organization for the Monroe Times. She can be reached at
