From Yvonne Schutte
Sylvester Township
To the Editor:
I read the letter to the editor in the Times from Sue Hall with great surprise. At first I thought that she must have been from a different State, as my husband or I have been at just about every single meeting for the last four years, and we have never seen Sue Hall at any of them. I don’t know where she is getting her information from, either, as the two incumbents have NEVER treated anyone badly at a meeting. (Dave even sat calmly while having a table shoved into him as he was threatened by a person a year and a half ago. That incident shook me to my core, and Dave calmly asked him to sit down.) One of the two that are running against the incumbents, came to his first meeting to get nominated. The other has only been to a handful of meetings in the past four years. I think I’ll stick with the two that care enough about our township to be involved. I would also like to invite Sue to drive all of the roads in Sylvester Township, and then tell me that we do not need to spend some money on fixing them. Because of the incompetent leadership we have had for the last two decades, we are way behind in where we should be for road repair. Some have gotten so bad that the County is threatening to not plow them anymore, unless they are fixed. Hope you don’t live on Dutch Hollow, Witt, Decatur/Sylvester or Ladwig Road. We have lived on Dutch Hollow for over 20 years, and before last year, not one single thing had been done with our road. Surely you don’t think that is the best way to keep our roads in good shape, do you? I think you should actually come to the meetings, so you can get accurate information, instead of getting spoon fed information that you regurgitate back out.