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Rufer: Wake up, America
Letter To The Editor

From Gene Rufer


To the Editor:

What is wrong with, supposedly, educated people, when people compare President Trump with Hitler? With what is going on in this country I would say we are living in the time of Hitler, right now in the USA because of Biden and his regime! Did Trumps DOJ and FBI jail his political opponents? Did Trumps administration take away free speech? Did Trump want to take away your guns? The answer would be a resounding NO! Remember a society without free speech and guns, is a society easily controlled by the government. The democrats are the ones that have the same views and ideology as Hitler. Ever notice the democrats enact policy and then blame it on the conservatives. That’s not to say there aren’t republicans that have the same leftist views. There are plenty of leftist republicans that need to be voted out of office.

As for the illegals entering this country by the millions, how good can they be for America if they are “law breakers.” How far would any American get if we all broke the law? Americans are jailed and they haven’t broken any laws, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some people that were in Trumps cabinet have been taken through the courts and bankrupted as a result of lawyer’s fees. How good can illegals be for this country when they are treated better than our veterans and Americans. They receive plush hotel suites (that they trashed), they get health care, their kids get schooling all at taxpayer expense, how can that be good for the whole of American society. 

I sure hope when Trump is re-elected, he does get rid of Marxists, communists, fascists and the radical left thugs. They are dragging this, once great country, down the sewer. For all those people that think things are going really great now, and don’t want America to return to its once greatness should go to a communist country or live under Marxism. I have a feeling they would try to return to America really quickly. I have talked to people whose parents or grandparents came to America from communist countries and they hate seeing what is going on here now, after tasting freedom.

Americans need to get their heads out of the sand and get some real education. Don’t get your information from FAKE NEWS. GET TRUTHFUL FACTS!