From Dave Kloepping
To the editor:
Thank you for switching to a two-day a week newspaper. By now, I think the average reader realizes a huge improvement.
I totally agree with everything Lavern states in his letter but does not go far enough.
The police should be paid to deter crime and violence. We need to improve the tax system to include marijuana, gambling, heroin, cigarettes, cocaine, hard liquor, prostitution and speed limits more.
Our police is burdened too much babysitting the public. Instead of controlling hard crime, like murder, rape, assault, and other violent crimes. Instead, they are constantly babysitting drug abuse and other behaviors. If we legalized these drugs and behaviors, and taxed them, we would have a huge increase in money to fix our roads and schools. Plus deter addiction.
The USA has been taxed to death with the lower income and middle class, and the higher incomes get away with a lot. Loop holes, special income breaks, and stick-it-to-the middle income philosophy.
These new taxes would vastly improve the wealth distribution, plus give our police the proper time balance to control crime and society. We should encourage Lavern to run for governor. He can’t do any worse than Walker, and probably do much better.
Too much drugs, prostitution, and speeding is going on here in Monroe, and the police could be putting priorities on more important issues, while the tax dollars from all this could be applied to better issues.
I grew up in a middle-class beef farm family. Too many beef, dairy, and hog families can barely make ends meet. It’s time to get our priorities straight.