From Emil (Mike) Rufener
To the editor:
Governor Walker should use his experience to restore the rights lost under Governor Doyle (Democrat) such as took away power from local control (county and township) bonding and etc. all the things that were put in place that would then bring in line with the constitution of the U.S.
P.S. Our flag is the most beautiful in the whole world, as it flies in the wind and the blue stands for godliness and in (God we trust), the white stands for (peace) freedom, the red stands for the blood that was lost to keep the flag still flying.
Everyone should read the book it tells that big money drove the country into the swamp and now into a cesspool and now they want to rewrite the constitution. The book is called Killing The Deep State by Jerome R. Corsi, New York Times best seller. I am sending this to Governor Walker and new Governor Evers.