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Letter to the Editor: Trump has our gratitude
Letter To The Editor

From Ruth Tschanz


To the Editor: Dear President Trump,

This is just a note thanking you for all that you have done for the people of this country. You have shown such tremendous courage and determination in the face of so much opposition against all that you have done. That opposition brought on not against your policies but simply because you dared to ignore the “tried and true policies” of the past. Never mind that those policies had failed and continued to fail. That opposition that was fueled by political enemies and carried on by a willing and eager press and leaders of that opposition party.

Never mind that we no longer had thousands of poor people abused and sacrificed at our borders or the sex trafficking of women and children there. Never mind that we no longer had an economy where people were just “getting by”. Never mind that North Korea was no longer flying missiles over Japan or threatening Hawaii or the west coast. Never mind that we are seeing glimmers of peace occurring in the middle east with four Arab nations signing treaties with Israel. Never mind that we can now see how much China is striving to undermine our own American way of life. Never mind also that you have brought back or retained many manufacturing jobs here in the USA for our American workers. You have opened our eyes to the vulnerability we as Americans have become exposed to by depending on other nations for supplies that are vital for our well-being. Whether it be medical supplies, manufactured goods or technology. For all of those things and much, much more, thank you.

We will miss your openness about what was happening in government and willingness to take questions about whatever was going on. Thank you.

And to think that all of these accomplishment came in face of the constant opposition and criticism you received on a daily basis. Oh, and also going through an impeachment about your involvement with Russia. I cannot believe there are still those who believe those lies about Russia despite the evidence revealing its falseness. I think someone said — “Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it”. Was that President Biden? So sad to say it seems to be true — so many people still seem to believe it.

Thank you Mr. President. We will try to live up to the legacy you have provided for us. We do believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the “rule of law”, just as you do.

We do NOT believe in anarchy and rioting.

Thank you Mr. President. I wish you all the best. You have our eternal gratitude.