From La Vern F. Isely
To the Editor:
I’m sure glad that Democrat Joe Biden won the presidency because it does definitely make a difference if you get the right people in office because they do have better ideas and if they express those ideas before the election and how they work, changes can take place.
That’s why Democratic President Joe Biden is sticking to his promise of 100 million COVID 19 shots in his first 100 days in office. There is no way we can achieve our goals of getting our country back to work until the majority of the people are given the COVID 19 vaccine. We can then get back working together again.
Former Republican President Donald Trump just didn’t have enough good ideas to move the country forward in the right direction and that’s why he lost.
All the people in the middle class must move ahead in improving their jobs and their income. You can not have a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour forever with a maximum 40-hour work week. Many times, businesses don’t even give you 40 hours. This is why democratic candidate Joe Biden won.
I see we have some great candidates with great ideas running for office that interest me. One is Jane Bucher, who is running for Circuit Court Judge here in Green County. Also, Jill Underly, who is running for State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
So, get out and vote on April 6, 2021. It’s your ambition that makes our system (work).