By Karen L Fowdy
To the Editor:
I am writing in support of candidates Rich Deprez, Eric Eckdhal, and Dylan McGuire for the Monroe School District Board of Education election on April 5. Over three decades ago, we moved to Monroe with our three young children. The reputation of this school district played a role in our decision to move here. I was fortunate to teach for nearly my entire career at Monroe High School and Middle School. Through the years, our decision to move to Monroe was affirmed time and again by this community’s support of education. While I have not agreed with every school board decision, I respect the fact that the board has made informed decisions based on what they determined was best for students.
While we can all agree that the students in our district deserve a quality education, there is a clear difference in this election regarding the steps toward achieving that goal. As Board president, Rich Deprez has led a process of establishing clear educational goals through collaboration with students, staff, parents, and community stakeholders. You can read these Value Statements and Goals at the Monroe School District website. The campaign statements of Deprez, Eckdhal, and McGuire are grounded in these goals that ensure quality learning opportunities while providing for the physical and mental safety and well-being of ALL students. While I see sincere concern for students on the part of the other three opponents, and admire their willingness to run for office, their statements do not show a clear vision, goals, or actions plans for the future.
Please join me on April 5 to vote for Rich Deprez, Eric Eckdhal, and Dylan McGuire, who have a clear plan to provide the best possible learning opportunities for all students according to the vision and mission statement of the district.