From Stacy Cavanaugh
To the Editor:
As a parent, I have always been involved with our daughter’s schools. I follow the School Board meetings, volunteer with the PTO, assist on my day off in classrooms or in the school office, and donate materials whenever the teachers, principal, or PTO asks for assistance. When we moved to the district, I met with the building principal, the special education coordinator, the school psychologist, and the parental liaison as they asked me to tell them about our daughter’s particular strengths and challenges, and worked to make sure that she had the opportunity to succeed. Our schools invite parents as partners, and I trust the educators and the administration are balancing a wide variety of student needs every day. I have been attending or watching the Monroe School Board Meetings for several years, and I enthusiastically support Rich Deprez, Eric Eckdahl, and Dylan McGuire for the Monroe School Board on April 5.
The Monroe School Board listens to parents, but their job is much larger than hearing the opinions of parents, teachers, and stakeholders. In the past several years, I have heard them discuss and implement school based mental health to increase access to mental health for all students, elementary school Spanish instruction, the high school SOAR program with strong connections to community employers, and the high school problem-based LAUNCH program. Monroe is unique in their Summer School program, which allows affordable enrichment opportunities for ALL students, and extends the breakfast and lunch program through the summer months. The School Board’s discussions have been about making sure all students have access to quality curriculum, improved infrastructure in the schools, and equity and inclusion for all. They have balanced many competing claims, listened respectfully, and handled themselves with admirable grace under pressure.
The Team of Deprez, Eckdahl, and McGuire are involved in community organizations, work for all students, and have the passion and experience to lead Monroe into the future.