To the editor:
There is much at stake for our state as well as our country in next month's election. Having grown up in a Republican home, I have been increasingly disappointed with the lack of vision and small-mindedness of the party. It has gotten to the point of absurdity on the national level. It's interesting, to say the least, to watch thoughtful conservatives like Henry Paulson and Charlie Sykes and even the pro-Republican Arizona Republic disavow the Trump candidacy. Whether voters follow their lead or we go down a most dangerous and uncertain path in November remains to be seen.
Closer to home, however, it is appalling to witness what Gov. Scott Walker and his Republican majority have done to this state in a short time. Recent email leaks show that Walker is quite willing to sacrifice the best interests of this state to his donors and backers - no matter what. The Republicans have weakened public schools, gutted the once-renown University of Wisconsin, removed almost half of the Department of Natural Resources scientists while stacking its board with people who have little regard for the environment, taken away collective bargaining, forfeited jobs for the sake of political division (i.e. halting the high speed rail contract), eroding local control - once a central point of the Republican platform - and helped to create a State Supreme Court that is more political than judicial. It doesn't end there.
Not since Dale Schultz has there been an independent thinker in state Republican politics. For his independent judgment, he was summarily ousted from state government. The fact is that there isn't an independent voice in the Wisconsin Republican party - not Todd Novak - not anyone. Because the Republicans have a lock on votes, they can manufacture the appearance of independence, but it's all smoke and mirrors. Until there are more Democrats in Madison, there will be no change. Democracies only work when there is balance and true collaboration.
We have another opportunity next month to elect a most qualified democrat in Jeff Wright to the Assembly. He will be a truly independent voice. We cannot afford another two years of Republican domination in state politics. It will take years to undo the damage that they have done. The British axiom that "... absolute power corrupts absolutely" is nowhere more apparent than in our state at this time. It must change.
There is much at stake for our state as well as our country in next month's election. Having grown up in a Republican home, I have been increasingly disappointed with the lack of vision and small-mindedness of the party. It has gotten to the point of absurdity on the national level. It's interesting, to say the least, to watch thoughtful conservatives like Henry Paulson and Charlie Sykes and even the pro-Republican Arizona Republic disavow the Trump candidacy. Whether voters follow their lead or we go down a most dangerous and uncertain path in November remains to be seen.
Closer to home, however, it is appalling to witness what Gov. Scott Walker and his Republican majority have done to this state in a short time. Recent email leaks show that Walker is quite willing to sacrifice the best interests of this state to his donors and backers - no matter what. The Republicans have weakened public schools, gutted the once-renown University of Wisconsin, removed almost half of the Department of Natural Resources scientists while stacking its board with people who have little regard for the environment, taken away collective bargaining, forfeited jobs for the sake of political division (i.e. halting the high speed rail contract), eroding local control - once a central point of the Republican platform - and helped to create a State Supreme Court that is more political than judicial. It doesn't end there.
Not since Dale Schultz has there been an independent thinker in state Republican politics. For his independent judgment, he was summarily ousted from state government. The fact is that there isn't an independent voice in the Wisconsin Republican party - not Todd Novak - not anyone. Because the Republicans have a lock on votes, they can manufacture the appearance of independence, but it's all smoke and mirrors. Until there are more Democrats in Madison, there will be no change. Democracies only work when there is balance and true collaboration.
We have another opportunity next month to elect a most qualified democrat in Jeff Wright to the Assembly. He will be a truly independent voice. We cannot afford another two years of Republican domination in state politics. It will take years to undo the damage that they have done. The British axiom that "... absolute power corrupts absolutely" is nowhere more apparent than in our state at this time. It must change.