To the editor:
I'm a 95-year-old man who has just lost his eyesight. I get all my news via television voices and radio voices, and what I hear about the mass murders in the churches and schools is appalling. And our Congress has decided not to do anything about it.
I believe that Congress should pass a bill to the effect that, inasmuch as the writers of the Constitution had no conception of automatic pistols, revolvers, or assault rifles, that, Congress pass a bill outlawing the private ownership of automatic and semi-automatic weapons, and that, following a 90-day grace period when people could voluntarily turn in their automatic and semiautomatic weapons for fair market value, that law enforcement would be allowed to seize such weapons from any person or premise deemed suspicious. In accordance with the Bill of Rights' Second Amendment, citizens would have the right to bear arms, but those would be limited to a single-shot pistol, single-shot rifle (caliber of the owner's choice), and one shotgun (gauge of the owner's choice).
It is my hope that this, or a similar bill, will be debated and voted up or down prior to the 2016 elections so we all can determine whether the people we intend to vote for are seriously in favor of reducing these killings.
Passage of this bill would reduce the number of slaughters occurring and make a 95-year-old man feel that he accomplished something.
P.S. If you agree with this bill, feel free to copy it and circulate it among other newspapers and your friends. Thank you for your consideration.