From Diana Vance
To the editor:
It is time to look at the truth, the facts and the correctness about Donald Trump. The Republican establishment is attempting a make-over that they hope will last. Why a make-over you ask? Well, isn't Donald Trump the man who tells lies as easily as I drink my tea? And on the following day, he says that he didn't say it. This is a pattern with him. I'm dead serious. You can't believe the man. Are we supposed to trust a man that plays with the truth as if it were a yo-yo? Should a man who lies so easily be our president? The most powerful job in the world requires at the least honesty.
Donald Trump insults people and he has no business doing that. It's crude, it's rude and it is very much a part of his thinking. If he becomes president he will be dealing with the leaders of many countries and many cultures. They are not going to put up with his arrogance and his insults. We could lose many allies or at best have them give a cold shoulder to Donald Trump and America.
Ask yourself if you would like to be treated the way Donald Trump treats everyone. Do you want to be insulted? Would you care if he told a lie about you?
And Republicans want this type of person to be our president? Think about it and think of your self-preservation. Donald Trump has some very serious faults.
To the editor:
It is time to look at the truth, the facts and the correctness about Donald Trump. The Republican establishment is attempting a make-over that they hope will last. Why a make-over you ask? Well, isn't Donald Trump the man who tells lies as easily as I drink my tea? And on the following day, he says that he didn't say it. This is a pattern with him. I'm dead serious. You can't believe the man. Are we supposed to trust a man that plays with the truth as if it were a yo-yo? Should a man who lies so easily be our president? The most powerful job in the world requires at the least honesty.
Donald Trump insults people and he has no business doing that. It's crude, it's rude and it is very much a part of his thinking. If he becomes president he will be dealing with the leaders of many countries and many cultures. They are not going to put up with his arrogance and his insults. We could lose many allies or at best have them give a cold shoulder to Donald Trump and America.
Ask yourself if you would like to be treated the way Donald Trump treats everyone. Do you want to be insulted? Would you care if he told a lie about you?
And Republicans want this type of person to be our president? Think about it and think of your self-preservation. Donald Trump has some very serious faults.