There are a lot of tax loopholes out there, and a lot of these big corporations are looking for tax loophole heaven. The worst ones are on the federal level, but they have them on the state level, as well. You have hedge fund dealers making over $1 billion a year and paying no federal income tax. It's hard to imagine - $1 billion is anything over $999 million.
Senator Hillary Clinton, as well as Senator Obama, want to tax these hedge fund dealers and it's about time. I believe I made my point when I attended Senator Clinton's rally at the Monona Terrace in Madison on Feb. 18. She pointed at me and she said, "That gentlemen wearing that shirt is right, hedge fund dealers should be taxed," and 5,000 people attending applauded and cheered. The shirt I was wearing had the slogan "TAX HEDGE FUND DEALERS" on it.
While on the state level, we have our Las Vegas Loopholes and we have 10 state senators and 20 assemblymen that want to do something about that problem. We have 19 Democrats and one Republican, and this should not be a party issue. Like one banker told me several years ago, he knew they could do this legally through these loopholes, but he didn't think it was right for someone to duck their state income tax and put it on someone else. Well, sad to say, that's not the attitude of every business.
One state assemblyman said back on Dec. 12, 2005, that the Las Vegas Loophole costs the state as much as $260 million a year. I talked to a Republican and they are trying to lowball the figure, because some Republicans would just as soon not pay any federal or state income tax. Since I don't believe Santa Claus is going to pay for them, somebody has to. So call your state senator and ask him about Senate Bill 367. Our state senator is Jon Erpenbach, and he's cosponsoring the bill. Also call Rep. Brett Davis. His name isn't there, but it's election time and I think he can be persuaded. I'm glad Brett Davis has competition, otherwise, issues like this would never get decided.
Did you know that on the federal level, there are 48 Blue Dog Democrats in the House of Representatives who believe in Paygo (Pay As You Go)? You can find their names on the Web. They are tired of borrowing from Social Security and foreign governments to pay our bills. On the state level, they are robbing out of the transportation fund to put it in the general fund. It's time we all got together on this instead of playing one class against the other, and that's why the middle class, who has been far too meek, is slowly getting eliminated.
Senator Hillary Clinton, as well as Senator Obama, want to tax these hedge fund dealers and it's about time. I believe I made my point when I attended Senator Clinton's rally at the Monona Terrace in Madison on Feb. 18. She pointed at me and she said, "That gentlemen wearing that shirt is right, hedge fund dealers should be taxed," and 5,000 people attending applauded and cheered. The shirt I was wearing had the slogan "TAX HEDGE FUND DEALERS" on it.
While on the state level, we have our Las Vegas Loopholes and we have 10 state senators and 20 assemblymen that want to do something about that problem. We have 19 Democrats and one Republican, and this should not be a party issue. Like one banker told me several years ago, he knew they could do this legally through these loopholes, but he didn't think it was right for someone to duck their state income tax and put it on someone else. Well, sad to say, that's not the attitude of every business.
One state assemblyman said back on Dec. 12, 2005, that the Las Vegas Loophole costs the state as much as $260 million a year. I talked to a Republican and they are trying to lowball the figure, because some Republicans would just as soon not pay any federal or state income tax. Since I don't believe Santa Claus is going to pay for them, somebody has to. So call your state senator and ask him about Senate Bill 367. Our state senator is Jon Erpenbach, and he's cosponsoring the bill. Also call Rep. Brett Davis. His name isn't there, but it's election time and I think he can be persuaded. I'm glad Brett Davis has competition, otherwise, issues like this would never get decided.
Did you know that on the federal level, there are 48 Blue Dog Democrats in the House of Representatives who believe in Paygo (Pay As You Go)? You can find their names on the Web. They are tired of borrowing from Social Security and foreign governments to pay our bills. On the state level, they are robbing out of the transportation fund to put it in the general fund. It's time we all got together on this instead of playing one class against the other, and that's why the middle class, who has been far too meek, is slowly getting eliminated.