Hello, Green County! My name is Marissa Vosberg and I am your 2020-2021 Green County Dairy Queen from Monroe. I am the daughter of Phil and Laura Vosberg and I have really been enjoying my year as Dairy Queen. While this year looked different, I still enjoyed representing Green County at various county activities and fundraisers to benefit our communities. It has been exciting talking to people of all ages about agriculture and the wonderful county we live in. One of my favorite events was the Dairy Days Cattle Show hosted by Green County Ag Chest. I really enjoyed showing my dairy heifers in the show and seeing so many young people excited about agriculture, especially the littles kids in the “Little Britches” Show. It was so fantastic getting to share the experience with my fellow Dairy Queens, too. I had the opportunity to work in the Green County Ag Chest trailers quite a few times and I really loved selling yummy ice cream and cream puffs. It was great to actually help make the cream puffs for our Valentine Cream Puff Sale, which was a huge success. What an experience!
While I was disappointed that the 2020 Green County Dairy Breakfast was cancelled, I am so excited for the 2021 Green County Dairy Breakfast coming up on May 29, 2021! You can either drive-through to pick up your breakfast or you can eat your breakfast there and enjoy some music from the Soggy Prairie Boys, as well as many other fun activities. You will also have the opportunity to see all of the Green County Dairy Queens that day! I hope to see you for breakfast at the Green County Fairgrounds on May 29th!
It has been such a wonderful experience to serve as your 2020-2021 Green County Dairy Queen and I am so thankful for having been given this amazing opportunity. The Green County Ag Chest is an incredible organization. They do so much for our County, especially for the youth. From supporting our FFA and 4-H programs to offering agriculture education and providing scholarships, our communities would not be the same without the Ag Chest. Please continue to support this extremely worthy organization at the Green County Dairy Breakfast on May 29th and whenever you see the Ag Chest trailers out!
In closing, if you would ever like to have the Green County Dairy Queen, Green County Dairy Princess, or any other Green County Dairy Queen to attend your event and bring some delicious dairy treats to hand out, please contact the Green County Ag Chest through the form on their webpage at https://www.greencountyagchest.com.