Monday morning on my way to school, I experienced the thrill of seeing one of the wonders of modern times as 14 cranes and two ultralight planes took off from Monroe Airport. Operation: Migration, a program to reintroduce endangered Whopping Cranes into North America, resumed its flight to Florida, after being stranded for 10 days in Monroe.
The cranes learn to "imprint" on an ultralight aircraft, thinking it is their mother, to the point that they are willing to follow it for thousands of miles to their winter home. Each crane is painstakingly monitored and tracked with a device on its leg, as a 12-member crew works to ensure their safety.
It's amazing the time, care, concern, money and creativity humans will expend to preserve an animal species, yet they are bent on destroying their own race by allowing abortion up to the date of delivery, and some believe even to the age of nine months.
Where are we going as a nation?
Our nation has passed laws to force pharmacists to distribute abortion-causing medicines against their own moral conscious. Doctors and technicians are forced to provide "procedures" they deem to be ethically and morally wrong, and yet we spend billions of dollars on research and salaries to ensure cranes make it safely to Florida and whales are herded back to the ocean.
Years ago, a bumper sticker aptly describe our times:
Be a hero, save a whale!
Save a baby, go to jail!
Wake up America!
We need to earnestly pray for our nation.
The cranes learn to "imprint" on an ultralight aircraft, thinking it is their mother, to the point that they are willing to follow it for thousands of miles to their winter home. Each crane is painstakingly monitored and tracked with a device on its leg, as a 12-member crew works to ensure their safety.
It's amazing the time, care, concern, money and creativity humans will expend to preserve an animal species, yet they are bent on destroying their own race by allowing abortion up to the date of delivery, and some believe even to the age of nine months.
Where are we going as a nation?
Our nation has passed laws to force pharmacists to distribute abortion-causing medicines against their own moral conscious. Doctors and technicians are forced to provide "procedures" they deem to be ethically and morally wrong, and yet we spend billions of dollars on research and salaries to ensure cranes make it safely to Florida and whales are herded back to the ocean.
Years ago, a bumper sticker aptly describe our times:
Be a hero, save a whale!
Save a baby, go to jail!
Wake up America!
We need to earnestly pray for our nation.