A big barb to President Paul Barrett and board members of the Green County Humane Society. >I read in this paper a job posting for an executive director full-time position for GCHS. I also read the letter to the editor last week referencing the current financial balance, or should I be saying lack of financial stability at the present time? If the animals had not been the benefactor for two estates (one in February 2009 for $14,369.65, and another in April 2009 for $16,172.25, the current year-to-date profit for GCHS would be a negative $2,444.95, according to the GCHS Web site). Where are the annual operating budget figures? Since estate money cannot be anticipated or budgeted, why is it not being saved for the building fund? Yet they have money for a new paperwork position in this economy! I have served on church boards and committees, and it always has been the board's responsibility for paperwork, details, etc. Hence, being on a board is not glamorous - it means lots of time, effort and physical work for the cause. In this case, that should be keeping this a no-kill shelter, with the animals getting the reward, not pompous, no-show board members! P.S., I no longer will be donating to GCHS unless there is a huge change. - Judy, disgusted current member>
A barb to our Monroe aldermen.> What is the matter with them? Do they have no brains, or do they leave them home the night of meetings? With the city in the red as bad as it is, think again about creating a new administrative position. Are you like Gov. Doyle, who spends money that won't be collected for two more years? We need an administrator. No we don't. Yes we do. In my opinion, if the department heads at City Hall could do more than make eight trips a day to the coffee pot, the taxpayers would have it made, and we would get things done. Alderman Schuringa says we have department heads running into each other at City Hall. Would that be our three fire chiefs? For a town of 10,000, they sure loaded that office up. What about this second fire station? Who's dumb idea is this? A town of 10,000 that's not going to grow needs two firehouses? - A taxpayer who is fed up>
A blossom to the businesses in downtown Monroe. >I travel frequently and enjoy shopping. In few places do I find business owners as responsive to their customers as here in Monroe. There is one shop whose staff always takes the time to help me pick just the right gifts - then they gift wrap for free. There's another that is willing to order - at no additional charge - the candles I most like. Today, I stopped in at a T-shirt printer with a last-minute rushed request for a business meeting. They produced the one-of-a-kind needed item in less than an hour! I'm proud of the businesses in downtown Monroe and often encourage the people I meet to visit Monroe's Square. It is a rare find. - Stephanie Call>
A big blossom to The Monroe Times >for covering all the area Home Talent games this year. It is fun to read how each team is doing. - Connie Meier>