A blossom to the sixth-grade evening CCD class >at St. Victor Church who collected food for the food pantry. They went door to door and asked for donations of food and were very polite and respectful. They collected 212 pounds. Also, a blossom to my son >who helped with the group of kids and made the evening fun as well as important. A big thank you to all who collected food and all who gave food. - Jenni Coplien>
A blossom to all those who send in blossom and barbs, >signed or unsigned. It's not about the messenger, it's about the message. Also, I would like to see a format for items you can't find in Monroe. I, as I'm sure others, have to go out of town for a number of things. Maybe merchants in Monroe would be interested in stocking these items if they were aware of them. - A Monroe shopper>
A barb to the city/county trucks.> I have more than once observed a truck spreading that sand/salt mix over the top of the snow on the road. Only 10 minutes later, another truck with the blade down comes along and scrapes it all off. What a big waste of time, gas, and MONEY. - Anonymous>
A barb to the folks who decide >where to put stop signs and lay out new roads. Why does the westbound traffic by Kutter Harley Davidson have to stop, and the northbound traffic doesn't? It's a 90-degree corner, not a cross traffic intersection. Same way out by the new Wal-Mart Supercenter. Stop signs on a 90-degree corner. Why wasn't the road constructed with a nice sweeping curve to make the traffic flow smooth around a very heavily-used road? Then another stop sign on the northeast side of the new store. You went backwards on the ease of the traffic flow on that road. I thought we would get rid of that 90-degree corner. Now we have two of them! If sometime in the future the road continues to the north or west, then put the stop signs in, not now. Why do we do everything half-witted in this town? The City beat Wal-Mart up for years and downsized the store to a mini-supercenter, creating less jobs and less taxes collected, and now we have a joke of a street around the store. - Old Guy>
The biggest blossom ever for Monroe Auto Sales >having a real live Clydesdale and Santa there for the kids. My daughter Jen, and Danny, my son, could not sleep the night before, waiting to see the Clydesdale and Santa. That's all they talked about every day until we went there on Saturday. When we pulled into the parking lot, the place was packed, and Danny started crying, because he thought we wouldn't get to see the Clydesdale because there were too many kids there. Waiting in line and watching all those kids light up when they got to sit on Jamie the Clydesdale was just a beautiful thing. When it was Jen and Danny's turn, they both turned to me and said it was the best Christmas present ever, thanks, Mom. So they go their picture taken on Jamie, with Santa and his elf standing by their side. They also got a wonderful gift from Santa. I am a single mom, with no job and no money. Thank you so much, Monroe Auto Sales, for giving my kids a great Christmas. They love Jamie, too. - Susan Leer>