A huge blossom to the Monroe Fire Department >for its quick response to our business on Jan. 24. You saved our business and jobs. Thanks to you, damage was kept to a minimum. Every one needs to support these guys. They were great! Thank you from the staff and management of The Red Apple Inn Restaurant. - Carol Mueller>
A barb to the Times >for the managing of your Blossoms and Barbs section. Do you really need to keep reposting the comments made online from the previous week? You don't keep reprinting old articles do you? Then why do it for comments? A new week should mean new, fresh comments. Everything (last week) regurgitated from before. Tacky. - Yada, Yada Yada>
A barb to the Monroe Evening Times. >It would be nice if the paper (Internet copy) was kept up to date. New news was said to be on by 11 a.m. each day. Get rid of the old topics and make sure they are correctly printed. Check the Juda School Board story, it tells about a breakin. - Judy>
I'd like to send a blossom to the third-graders at the Albrecht Elementary School >in Brodhead. They were challenged to collect 100 items for the Green County Humane Society to celebrate the 100th day of school and this challenge also ties in with the school's Kids With Character themes. They collected 145 items! Way to go third-graders! Also, a blossom goes to the Cardinal Council, at the elementary, for organizing a "Wear Sweats for Pets Day" and collecting $185 to donate to the humane society. - Rachel Pinnow>
A huge bouquet of blossoms and many thanks to members of the local legal community >for their support of the New Glarus High School Mock Trial team. The mock trial program sponsored by the State Bar of Wisconsin affords high school students the opportunity to learn about our justice system firsthand. The students assume roles as attorneys and witnesses, and present their cases through actual testimony in court before practicing attorneys and judges. New Glarus competed in the Regional Tournament at the Rock County Courthouse in Janesville on Saturday, Feb. 7, and the students' many months of dedication and hard work paid off as they did a phenomenal job. Many thanks to the Green County Bar Association, for its generous grants to support the team, as well as enormous thanks to Judge James Beer and Green County Clerk Mike Doyle for allowing us to utilize the Green County Courthouse for a practice scrimmage on Jan. 4. A blossom to the memory of the late Attorney Rod Kittelsen, who was instrumental as State Bar President when the Mock Trial program began in 1973. Blossoms to the parents and family members of the Mock Trial students for your encouragement and support. Congratulations to the 2008-2009 New Glarus High School Mock Trial team: Alex Atwell, Evan Riniker, Victoria Troxler, Katie Barr, Natalie Morgan, Carl Pratt, Julia Gartzke, David Gartzke, Jessica Pratt, Elizabeth Brunner, Kari Yaun, Cecelia Ford, Zachary Clark and Markus Nevil. - Ms. Becky Fredericks (New Glarus Teacher Coach), Attorney Dan Gartzke (New Glarus Attorney Coach) and Attorney Faun M. Phillipson (New Glarus Attorney Coach).>
A huge barb to TDS> for the Gmail thing. What I've enjoyed most about my "upgraded" e-mail is having to fish through a sewer of 200 Viagra and porn spams looking for an important message about a friend's memorial service. Any messages I get that have not been pre-unspammed by me, get thrown into spam. I get countless messages from "me" - also spam: 920 in three days! TDS outsourcing to a mail server out of their control. This should go well. - Paul>
I second the barb to TDS >regarding its change to Gmail. I work with computers for a living and I'm still fighting with it! Anyone using TDS and using Outlook Express, Thunderbird, or any other standalone e-mail program should be aware that Gmail will consider almost all of your e-mail as spam. If you're not getting the e-mails you used to, check your spam folder in TDS webmail (NOT your program). I, for one, am looking for another Internet service provider! - Brian>
A huge barrage of barbs to Governor Doyle >for cutting the Clean Sweep program in the proposed state budget. Another case of the Democratic Party robbing from Peter to pay Paul. This program isn't even funded by taxpayer dollars and is a great way to keep harmful and dangerous chemicals out of our environment and away from our children. Anyone who is concerned about the environment and the safety of our residents, I strongly urge you to contact your legislators and Gov. Doyle's office and express your concern.
A blossom to all the local FFA chapters and alumni. >Next week marks National FFA week and you bet it is still cool to wear corduroy! These fine young people and former members alike not only support ag and ag-related fields, but also do many things to support and beautify their communities.
A blossom to Brad Bader and his crew >for helping a stranded trucker get back on the road to deliver his freight. Another example of why its great to live in this county!
A blossom to Matt Urban >for trying to get the Balloon Rally back in the air, amid the negativity and controversy surrounding it.
And last, but certainly not least, a blossom to Coach Mortimer, >an amazing coach, principal, educator, mentor, and a good friend. I had the privilege of being in school at Black Hawk for a good portion of his beginning years, and am grateful to him for his constant encouragement and faith in not only me, but all the students and players whose lives he has touched over the years. Good Luck, Coach, and thanks for the memories! - Jeff Ditzenberger, Monticello>
A blossom to all three candidates> in last Tuesday's primary for the Branch 2 Circuit Court. The last few Supreme Court elections were political embarrassments, and undermined the public's faith in the judicial system by resorting to mudslinging and misleading advertising. Mr. Burns, Mr. Gartzke and Mr. Vale conducted their primary campaigns with the integrity, honor and dignity we should expect from our judges. - Anonymous>
JoAnn Dobbins hit the nail on the head in her letter to the editor. As an employee of Monroe Clinic, I too have seen many dedicated employees broadsided as Dr. Turek so aptly put it. It's stressful going to work each day knowing it could be your last. What a shame that many patients have opted to seek medical care elsewhere when Monroe has a facility once known as "the Little Mayo." Blossoms to the dedicated employees >who live the missing statement of Monroe Clinic Hospital every day. Barbs to the CEOs of Monroe Clinic Hospital >who apparently haven't read the mission statement, or don't believe it applies to them. - Anonymous>