A huge barb to George W. Bush >for giving billions of dollars to large financial companies for an alleged "bailout." Obviously, if these large companies didn't require huge amounts of money to keep their overpaid executives overpaid, then they would not have had financial problems to begin with. An equally large barb to our federal government >for not looking into giving that kind of money to the people who need it rather than the ones who don't. People who make less than $70,000 a year would stimulate the economy if they had the cash to do so. Rather, our government would give extra money to people who don't need it. Lower and middle class people stimulate economic growth more than people in the higher classes. The government bailout should have been put in the hands of the people who need it, not the ones who have the money and don't want to spend it. Hypocrisy and capitalism have always and will always be bedmates. They are not good bedmates, but will always be such. - A taxpaying citizen>
A large barb to Monroe Area Blackhawk Technical College. >If you go to Blackhawk Tech's Monroe campus Web page, it specifically states that you can complete five different associate's degree programs right at the Monroe campus. This would be the only reason why I decided to go for the degree I did, because I can't afford to drive back and forth to Janesville every day, try to keep up with my classes and hold my part-time job. But now, I am being told, that after I have completed my first year here in Monroe this spring, they have decided to not offer the second-year courses in Monroe (they are starting the first-year courses over again). I will have to either go to Janesville to compete my degree or take a year off and hope that they will eventually offer the courses I need to graduate. How dare you mess with not only my life, but also my family's. With hundreds of people getting laid off left and right, we need to get our degrees NOW and get back into the work force. Why in the world would you want to make it even more difficult for us? You still have time to change your mind and make the right decision. Please do so. - A heartbroken student >
A barb to Dave Searles. >He's at it again, slamming the city, its officials and just about everything in Brodhead. Does he realize how many people are out of work or retired in this town? The cost to the property owners and the city to replace the sidewalks is a burden on everyone. It seems all he has time to do is complain about Brodhead. It's a great place to live, and work if you still have a job. There use to be a saying in the '70s. America: Love It or Leave It. Well, Dave, Brodhead: Love it or leave it. Dave, take the time to cross the street. - Brodhead citizen>
A huge barb goes to the City of Monroe.> Due to the snow this winter, a sign got knocked down while plowing. The person who "accidentally" did this, went and reported it and got a bill in the mail for $150. Is this how they reward honesty? From now on, I guess it's best to look the other way. - Disappointed>
A giant barb to the Monroe City Council >for eliminating Spring Cleanup Days. Not everyone has access to a truck to haul large items away. So the curbside pickup is a real necessity for us. Trash collection is a basic city service, but the council has really let its citizens down on this issue. Bring back Spring Cleanup Days. - Anonymous>
A barb to Green County government. >Am I the only dumb one in Monroe in that I don't understand why the Green County Board put up a justice center? After talking to the lawyers and some people from the courthouse, they don't want it. And now they are talking about how to get Pleasant View Nursing Home running. Why didn't they find a new Pleasant View and let the justice center go? There are enough empty buildings in Monroe that could be used as a justice center. - Anonymous>