MONROE - The Monroe city doubles tennis tournament, sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department, takes place Saturday and Sunday.
The deadline for entries is noon, Friday.
Play will begin at 8 a.m. Saturday, with the 14 and younger and women's open brackets at Recreation Park. The men's class A and B brackets will follow at 12:30 p.m. at the park. Finals will be played Sunday afternoon.
All teams are guaranteed two matches. The entry fee is $20 for teams high-school age and older and $10 for the 14 and younger bracket.
To register, call tournament director Jim Bartholf at 325-9402.
The deadline for entries is noon, Friday.
Play will begin at 8 a.m. Saturday, with the 14 and younger and women's open brackets at Recreation Park. The men's class A and B brackets will follow at 12:30 p.m. at the park. Finals will be played Sunday afternoon.
All teams are guaranteed two matches. The entry fee is $20 for teams high-school age and older and $10 for the 14 and younger bracket.
To register, call tournament director Jim Bartholf at 325-9402.