The Letters to the Editor column is meant to be a public forum for Times readers to voice their opinions on any topic of public interest. All letters must be signed and must contain a daytime telephone number where the writer can be reached.
Letters cannot be longer than 400 words. The Times reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, style and libelous or slanderous content.
Send letters to Letters to the Editor, 1065 Fourth Ave. West, Monroe, WI 53566
Individuals writing letters representing an organization must include a personal signature on the letter as well as his or her relationship to the organization that authorizes publication of a letter representing the views of that group.
Letters expressing gratitude for support of a civic, social or community project should be of a general nature. Lists of donors, etc. will be edited from the letter.
Letter writers are limited to one letter every 30 days.
The Times reserves the right to accept or reject all letters to the editor. Opinions expressed in letters to the editor do not reflect the views of the newspaper.
Letters may be sent via e-mail to:
Letters that involve highly controversial subjects may require the writer's personal signature.
Letters cannot be longer than 400 words. The Times reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, style and libelous or slanderous content.
Send letters to Letters to the Editor, 1065 Fourth Ave. West, Monroe, WI 53566
Individuals writing letters representing an organization must include a personal signature on the letter as well as his or her relationship to the organization that authorizes publication of a letter representing the views of that group.
Letters expressing gratitude for support of a civic, social or community project should be of a general nature. Lists of donors, etc. will be edited from the letter.
Letter writers are limited to one letter every 30 days.
The Times reserves the right to accept or reject all letters to the editor. Opinions expressed in letters to the editor do not reflect the views of the newspaper.
Letters may be sent via e-mail to:
Letters that involve highly controversial subjects may require the writer's personal signature.