MONROE — In a test of patience for local Monroe Police, a pair of brothers wanted on warrants allegedly inhaled drugs inside of a car near a senior living facility on Sunday night and wouldn’t get out of the vehicle. They held police at bay for about 40 minutes.
But it was not a real “standoff” in the true-crime, dramatic sense, according to Chief Fred Kelley, who pointed out that the defendants, the Young brothers, were in a locked car and did not have any weapons or threaten law enforcement.
“They just…didn’t want to get out of the car,” said Kelley. “It wasn’t the crime of the century.”
According to a press release from the department, the incident began at about 9:14 p.m., on Feb. 23, 2025.
That is when officers reported arresting Justin W. Young, 38, Browntown, and Cody A. Young, 32, of Argyle, in the 800 block of 13th Avenue, following an investigation into a person being wanted on a warrant, said an initial statement on the incident.
Police knew what they were likely getting into when they first pulled up and identified the pair, he added.
“They (officers) knew the people and have had issues with them before,” Kelley said.
Once authorities all arrived, there was extended yelling of police commands at the car and occupants, and the fumbling of doors and locks, Kelley said, before those on scene eventually got the pair out and put under arrest — on new and old charges.
Both were arrested on warrants issued by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections-Probation and Parole for violations. Both men were also charged with resisting arrest.
They were taken to Green County Jail pending court.
According to court records, Justin Young, was convicted of felony burglary in 2010. In January, he was convicted of a felony bail jumping charge and was awaiting sentencing on that. Cody Young also was convicted of felony burglary in 2012 and of felony bail jumping in 2020, records indicate.