GREEN COUNTY — A Wisconsin 11 construction project that was anticipated to start Sept. 14 was delayed by one week due to late arrival of materials for the 84-inch pipe replacement, Wisconsin Department of Transportation spokesperson Bill Strobel said.
The delay will cause a one-week road closure beginning Sept. 21 and ending Sept. 25.
The new schedule for the project will be to begin pipe placement and slope widening starting Sept. 21. The following two weeks will involve widening and paving the eastbound lanes and westbound lanes, in that order. The highway will be one lane from the Green/Lafayette County line east of South Wayne to County KK west of South Wayne. Though the road closure was delayed, the contractor had been completing some other work on Wis. 11 during the week of Sept. 14.
After the closure, the project will be built using flagging operations, Strobel said.
The final stages of the project will include shouldering, beam guard installation, marking and signage. The anticipated completion is late October.
Commercial, private and field entrances will remain accessible.