Last Week's Photo
There were 31 correct answers:
Jamie Ditsworth
Steve Hoesly
Cherrie Reynolds
The Hannas
Sheen Marsh
Gene Davidson
David Busker
Becky Granberg
Rose Roe
Mark Hoesly
Mary Tessendorf
Tammy Piefer
Shelby Coffey
Julie Rosenau
Jackie Swenson
Donna Geissbuhler
Debi Harvey
Hope Martin
Janet Medinger
Jenell Shippy
Rick Alston
Rory Maurer
Katie L. Pederson
Rick Sheesley
Monika Pernot
David Bellamy
Marlene Bergemann
Alan Matzke
Doris Ulmen
Crystal Brandl
Janet Maske
Every Friday, Times photographer Brenda Steurer will show readers a photo of where she's been. Can you guess where she is? If so, e-mail Editor Jeff Rogers at or post your guess as a Reader Comment. Names of those with correct answers will posted online the following Friday. Good luck!