Every Friday, Times photographer Brenda Steurer will show readers a photo of where she's been. Can you guess where she is? If so, e-mail News Editor Andrew Hellpap at editor@themonroetimes.com or post your guess as a Reader Comment. Names of those with correct answers will be posted online the following Friday. Good luck!
Panther logo at Juda School>
13 people submitted the correct answer:
Gene Engebretson
Alan Matzke
Amber Thomas
Tyler Lincoln
Sheen Marsh
Tara Ula
Carolyn Bauman
Deb Fitzgerald
Shelby Coffey
Tammy Piefer
Mary Hansen
Judy Hale
Jordyn Steinmann
Panther logo at Juda School>
13 people submitted the correct answer:
Gene Engebretson
Alan Matzke
Amber Thomas
Tyler Lincoln
Sheen Marsh
Tara Ula
Carolyn Bauman
Deb Fitzgerald
Shelby Coffey
Tammy Piefer
Mary Hansen
Judy Hale
Jordyn Steinmann