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Seniors to be honored at final concert
Times photo: Brenda Steurer Graduating senior members of the MHS Band will perform in their final band concert Thursday, May 20. Pictured in front, from left, are Alexa Schmidt, Jakob Anderson, Blake Antos, Madeline Long Arnold, Dustan Buetel, McKenzie Bruce, Lindsey Buehler and Laura Chopp. In second row are Eric Radke, Cassandra Coffey, Jolene DeNure, Taa Egli, Sean Garde, Patrick Gellings, Raven Goebel and Stephanie Hubbard. In third row are Cody Rufer, Zach Johnson, Eric Knudtson, Megan Mau, Katie Meier, Jessica Miller, Julia Nider, Lauren Ninmer and Kendell Niffenegger. In back are Alyssa Studer, Gwen Sutter, Taylor Weis, Karla Wells, Samantha Westgard, Clare Wyttenbach and Amanda Zimmerman. Not pictured are Jessica Beckman, Heidi Blanc-Blum, Austin Guerin, Jaimee Jacobson and Clarissa Liimatainen.
MONROE - The Monroe High School Instrumental Music Department will perform the final band concert of the 2010 school year, which also honors the 37 members of the bands who will be graduating this spring. The concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 20, in the high school's Performing Arts Center and also features the presentation of awards and scholarships to band students. Tickets will be available at the door at a cost of $3 for adults and $2 for students.

The program will begin with the Symphonic Band performing "Brighton Beach" by William P. Latham; "Mambo Schmambo," a percussion ensemble by Chris Brooks; "Mishenichnas Adar, Ani Purim und Yom Tov Lanu" from "Shalom" by Phillip Sparke (Sean Garde, conductor); "Homeward Bound" by Marta Keen with Judy Bennett and the Acapella Choir; and concluding with "Legends and Heroes" by Pierre LaPlante.

The Concert Band's portion of the program includes "A Copland Tribute" arranged by Clare Grundman; "The Ascension" from the "Divine Comedy" by Robert W. Smith; "Ashokan Farewell" by Jay Ungar, arranged by Calvin Custer, (violin, Aaron Peterson); and "William Tell Overture" by Gioachino Rossini, arranged Mark Williams. The Wind Ensemble will then take the stage to perform McBeth's "Of Sailors And Whales" with Chris Weis narrating, and Samuel Hazo's "Arabesque."

Each band will announce its "Most Valuable Player" and the winner of the Alan F. Barnard award will be announced. Several scholarships will be presented, including the Nair Wind Ensemble and National Honor Society and the Jonathan Wellington Denali scholarships.

After a short ceremony honoring the seniors, refreshments will be served by the FCCLA in the M-Room. The concert is open to the public.